Grand Bahama Island
Grand Bahama Island is an environment that offers a superb mild and sunny climate; miles of deserted white sandy beaches; exceptional underwater diving; championship golf courses; two national parks, cultural events, shipping facilities, restaurants, good health care, glamorous hotels. Unique among the established industrial areas in the Bahamas, indeed in the entire Caribbean, Freeport is clean, well planned, has a modern and reliable infrastructure with no pollution and no traffic congestion. Almost every destination in Freeport involves a journey of less than 15 minutes along major un-congested highways.
The Gulf Stream flowing northerly between Grand Bahama and the eastern seaboard of the US provides warm waters throughout the winter months; offshore southeasterly breezes cool the island during the summer. Relative humidity averages 75% annually.
The rainy season extends from June through September with most of the precipitation occurring during brief summer showers. The hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th when the tranquility of the island may be interrupted occasionally by the threat of a tropical storm or hurricane. However, such occurrences are few. Extremely stable economic and political climate in the Bahamas, excellent communication facilities, good transportation facilities, close proximity to the US mainland allow Freeport to offer unparalleled advantages.
The Bahamian dollar is parity with the US dollar. The US dollar may be used freely in the purchase of goods and services in the Bahamas. It is not necessary therefore, to convert US dollars into B$. However other countries are advised to convert their currency. Certain restrictions may apply to the conversion of Bahamian dollars to other currencies.